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By : Nirdosh Dhakal
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21 September 2012

Auto Update Checker For All Installed Softwares

We use several softwares on our PC. Few of them are in the trail version, some are in the beta version while few are in their full released version. From time to time, their companies release their updated versions. These updates comes with few bugs fixed, improved and with more functionality. So, it’s necessery to get the updated version of the softwares. But how cool is it to check if they are having new updates or not by themselves?

Update checker is a freeware from the house of This Update Checker tool comes in handy as it’s very small in size. It’s just 153 KB. Download and install it. Once installed it will find if your installed softwares are having any newer updates or not.

The result will be displayed in a different page. On the right hand side of the results, you will get a link to download the updated versions of your softwares. It’s a recommended tool if you are having many softwares installed and find it very difficult to search for their updates manually.

What are the requirements?

The Update Checker works on any Windows PC running Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, ME or 98.
It requires that the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is installed