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By : Nirdosh Dhakal
I'm, here at this regular post Free Software, Computer Problem Solving, Tips, Tricks & Tutorial. Various stuff to change Windows look & feel. In this article, I'm going to list some of my best and most exclusive articles for you. So take your time and make sure you haven't missed any of them?

20 September 2012

Move Installed Softwares from one PC to Another PC

Are you looking for an application that quickly move pre-installed software applications, files and program settings from an old PC to your new computer. PickMeApp a freeware program helps you to copy installed applications from one PC to another. PickMeApp is a portable tool and provides features to capture and transfer installed programs. If you want to format your computer or install another version of windows, then you have to face lengthy software installation process and also you have to use that software CDs. 
PickMeApps main benefits
- Can install an application on several computer with same settings.
- Backup all installed application, its settings and activation information’s.
- Reduce lengthy installation process.
- Reduce commercial license activation time.
How to move programs to another
1) Download PickMeApp from here.
2) After you download double click on PickMeApp.exe file and select its destination folder as your pen drive.
3) Its left hand side shows programs that you already installed in your PC. Select programs that you want to copy.

pickmeapp How to Move Installed Softwares from one PC to Another PC

4) Click PickMeApp start button and wait for a few minutes. Process depends on program size. After capture program it display at left hand side.
5) Connect pendrive on another PC and double click PickMeApp exe file. Now you can see captured programs on the left hand side. Select which programs you want to install.
6) Click Install button for start installation process. 
You can also create personalized package of multiple applications using PickMeApp. PickMeApp also provides command line interface. You need to register for download and use PickMeApp. Each PickMeApp have an unique PickMeApp ID.