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By : Nirdosh Dhakal
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18 September 2012

SpeedyFox 1.6 - Boost Firefox in a single click!

 There’s a great little utility called SpeedyFox which you can use to defrag and compact the SQLITE files. Before running it, make sure you close Firefox first so it can go about its business. It might take a couple of minutes (or up to any hour according to the website) depending on how badly fragmented the SQLITE files are and the speed of your computer. Once done you can fire up Firefox again (or have SpeedyFox do it for you automatically) and see if it has made any difference.

Bear in mind, this utility will only correct performance issues as a result of fragmented SQL files and will do nothing for resource hungry addons or corruption of the browser.There are some way to speed up firefox setting. One of the way using software. One of the software can be used to optimize firefox setting is SpeedyFox. Firefox uses the SQLite database to store settings and other important things (a database for “profile”). SpeedyFox just compact the database. If Database is small  Firefox is faster.
The speedup that occurs after you use SpeedyFox will vary depending on how long you used the specific profile that you intend to speed up Firefox with SpeedyFox.

How to use SpeedyFox

  • Close Firefox.
  • Run SpeedyFox
  • Select the profile you want to speed up
  • Leave profile as “default” if u have not created any new profiles.
  • Click on “Speed Up My Firefox” button to optimize firefox setting
SpeedyFox can be downloaded from the below link:
SpeedyFox for Windows (460 KB)
SpeedyFox for Mac OS X (800 KB) (Universal binary)