Or when trying to start or restart a service manually you may receive this message.
This is because the timeout delay is set to low for the service to complete its startup process and causes it to fail.
Increasing the timeout delay gives the service more time to load. It can be increase with a simple registry tweak.
- Load regedit (START - RUN - type regedit - Click OK.)
- Navagate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control]
- Create a new DWORD value called "ServicesPipeTimeout"
- Set the value to 35000 - Decimal. This is the number of milliseconds that you want to give the services to start.
- Now the server will need a reboot. If it is a vital server, it is best to schedule one out of hours.
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 an extra startup option
has been added "Automatic (Delayed Start)" to the properties of all
effectively can be used to achieve the same result, but instead of
effecting the entire system, can be placed on an individual service.
This feature prevents a service from starting until all other services
are started. This can be extremely useful if you have a service you need
started AFTER others have kicked in.
my experience this is where I usually experience a timeout, where a
service is trying to start, but is waiting for other services first, and
eventually gives up. The are of course other scenarios.
*Thanks to the reader below, for pointing out that I had NOT explained this properly before. Hope this helps.