Another dangerous spam is spreading
very fast in facebook. Facebook users receive a message that looks quite
tempting and when they click on the link they are taken to the self
replicating spam called “ WOW.!! FB is giving free Tshirts to everyone, grab yours now ”. This spam is going viral and here is a screenshot of this “WOW.!! FB is giving free Tshirts to everyone, grab yours now ”.
This link
have the ability to post to your wall, access your data at any time and
manage your pages. This spam aim to collect the personal information and
make some money from it . Asking you to give your address & phone
number for t-shirt delivery. But orginaly this is for sell your details
to other spammers. Also this page contain auto-download malware and it
will infects your computer.
After expanded message link we got below details. This message is originally from some .info spam site.
If you
have already opened it, scan your computer with updated antivirus. Once
again I reminds you cannot repeat this type of activities, the advice:
“don’t click random links offering suspiciously favourable things
online“. Share this post to your friends also.