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By : Nirdosh Dhakal
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20 September 2012

Track your Stolen Laptop Using Prey

In this world Laptops are mainly using for store all kinds of information like personal and confidential information like passwords, credit card information and more. Unfortunately if you lose your laptop what about your personal information that we’re losing in it.That can cause lots of problems, and tracing with police is also difficult.But wait you have an option you can try out ” Prey ” which is a free stolen laptop tracking tool.
Prey helps you find your stolen laptop by sending timed reports to your email with a lot of information  includes the general status of the computer, a list of running programs and active connections, fully detailed network and wifi information, a screenshot of the running desktop and if your laptop has an integrated webcam it will include a picture of the thief.

Steps To Setup Prey

  • Install Prey in your Laptop
  • Go to Configuration window and select each option one by one.
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  • Configure each options as per your needs.
  • Create an account with which mail id you want to receive report.
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  • Check your mail and confirm account.
  • Login to your web panel and manage your settings.
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  • Save your Settings.

How Prey Working

  • If your laptop stolen by some one , go to web panel and change the laptop status to missing
  • Select report timing , operating system ( Eg. timing – 5 min ) and add webcam in modules.
  • Save your all settings and check mail after 5 Min.
  • Prey will try to hook onto to the nearest open WiFi hotspot when no Internet connection is found, prey automatically communicate with web panel and check your status in panel. If panel showing missing status software automatically start working in your laptop. It will take details of your laptop like opened software details, network details , screen shot and take a picture of the thief with your laptop’s webcam so you know what he looks like and where he’s hiding and send to your email id already configured in this software. Pray also hide your Outlook or Thunderbird data from thief.
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  • You will get details in your mail ID and you can easily identify thief.
Hope it is useful for you. Share your comments and questions about it in the comments box below.
Download Prey Here ]