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By : Nirdosh Dhakal
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18 January 2014

How to Uninstall Applications from DOS Command Prompt?

We all know the procedure to uninstall any application using Windows GUI i.e “ADD OR REMOVE in XP or Programs and Features in Windows Vista & Windows 7 ”. Till now we learnt the ordinary way of doing this, but now lets learn the new way of doing this or should I say the Techie Way of doing this. Did anyone tell you that uninstallation of applications can also be done using DOS Command Prompt, Of course you can uninstall an application using command prompt. You can even uninstall applications which doesn’t provide their own uninstaller setup. To use this you don’t need to be an expert or techie in this field, simply we will use the below command and uninstall the  application.
Uninstall Application from DOS
It will work on All versions of Windows, Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.
1.) Open Command Prompt
2.) Type wmic in command prompt and Enter, you may see a new line with wmic:root\cli>
3.) Now at the command prompt, type the following command:
product get name
This will generate a list of all installed applications on the system. This may take some time, depending on how many applications you have in your system.
4.) At the Command Prompt, Type the following command:
product where name="" call uninstall
Specify the name of application in the quotes (make sure you type the name of application correctly using the generated list of application). Suppose I want to uninstall Adobe Flash application from my system, my command would look like this:
product where name="Adobe Flash" call uninstall
5.) It would ask to Confirm your action, Type y and press enter to proceed with uninstallation. The application will get uninstalled from the system.
Uninstall Application from DOS Command Prompt
The power of this command doesn’t restrict only to uninstallation of applications but also you can perform many tasks using this command. You can list all applications with their versions and date, you can also install, reinstall, configure or upgrade any application using this command. See the below command, which will list all the applications with their versions.
product list status
To know more command on product, Type wmic product/?, same way if you want to know more on product list then Type wmic product list/?