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By : Nirdosh Dhakal
I'm, here at this regular post Free Software, Computer Problem Solving, Tips, Tricks & Tutorial. Various stuff to change Windows look & feel. In this article, I'm going to list some of my best and most exclusive articles for you. So take your time and make sure you haven't missed any of them?

26 July 2013

How many users are logged on to a server?

Sometimes you may need to know how many users are logged on to a (file) server, like when there is a performance issue. 

At the server's console itself with native commands only:

Create a batch file

Create a new text document and save it with the name "ServerUsers.bat"

Type Script

Enter the following text in the batch file
@echo off
rem ________________________________

echo Amount of connected users on this server:
net session | find /c "\\"
rem ________________________________

Save batch file

Save your batch file on the desktop of the server you need the information from

Run Script

Double click the file to run the script. You should get a message showing the number of users connected to the server