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By : Nirdosh Dhakal
I'm, here at this regular post Free Software, Computer Problem Solving, Tips, Tricks & Tutorial. Various stuff to change Windows look & feel. In this article, I'm going to list some of my best and most exclusive articles for you. So take your time and make sure you haven't missed any of them?

18 February 2014

How to Log-in Multiple Users in SKYPE ?

Skype has added a new switch for supporting multiple users on a single PC. The following steps would show how to create a new shortcut for starting a new Skype instance with a different Skype user account.

Open Windows Explorer and go to "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone."
Right click on the Skype icon and select "Create Shortcut."
Right click on the new shortcut and select "Properties."
Append " /secondary" to "Target" to become '"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary.'
Click OK to save the change.
Give the new shortcut a new name and move it to anywhere you desired.
When you click on this new shortcut, a new Skype window will appear and you can log on using another Skype account.
You can also run the new Skype instance under another Windows user account. Right-click on the new icon while holding down the shift key, then select "Run as." See below for more details.

Setting up multiple Skype account on a PC
You have a Skype account on your computer, but so does your wife / husband, and so does your kids? None of you want to miss your important Skype calls from your friends. There is no need to fight over who should / shouldn't be logged-in on your only computer at home. So here is the way around the brewing storm:

Build up a new user account in Windows XP:

1. Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Create a new account (Under Pick a task.)
2. Key-in your new account name in the “type a name for the new account:” box -> Next
3. Click Computer Administrator -> Create Account

Give the account you just created a password:

1. Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Left-click on the new account you just created.
2. Left-click on Create a password -> Enter the password two times and enter the password hint -> Create Password

Run the second Skype program using the new account you just set up:

1. Right-click on the Skype Icon on your desktop while holding down the shift key -> Left-click on Run as
2. Click The following user -> Choose User name and enter password / OK

Click on the New Users – Create a Skype Account tab if you need to register a new user in Skype, and follow the instructions on screen.

Click on the Existing Users – Log in to Skype tab if you already have a second account, and follow the instructions on screen.

Update 10/09/2008: We have created the following Youtube Video Clip for you, just in case you want somebody to show the steps in action. Have Fun.